employee and asset tracking

Employee and asset tracking

Today’s technology enables indoor and outdoor geolocation of employees and assets with high levels of accuracy.

This technology makes it possible to locate and locate indoors and outdoors in a very precise way. Through RTLS (Real Time Location Systems), indoor geolocation of employees and machinery (static and in movement) is possible: forklifts, AGVs, merchandise, etc.

On the other hand, through GPS, it is also possible the outdoor geolocation of employees and machinery, in this case: construction machinery, trucks, etc…

Employee and asset geolocation data centre

Currently, there are solutions that allow a single centralised geolocation data centre to respond to all needs in a comprehensive manner:

Asset traceability
Real-time indoor and outdoor location. Asset tracking and positioning.

Geofencing Configurator
Establish geofences or virtual perimeters to associate actions when a device enters the geofence.


Visualise asset behaviour data, showing in different colours the intensity of a variable: route identification, traffic density…

Functionalities made possible by technology

Real-time monitoring console
Real-time visualisation of information on assets, machinery, employees, enabling correct decision making.

Different ways of consulting the information: heat maps, trajectory maps, time spent in the area, breakage of the security perimeter and information associated with each of the elements.

4Tracking, the Zerintia Technologies solution for geolocation of employees and assets

4Tracking is Zerintia Technologies’ IoT-based solution for the integration and management of various sources of information, indoor and outdoor geopositioning, exploiting all the data in an integrated manner.