Digitalization and productivity

Digitalization and productivity in industry are closely related. Digitalization is the integration of various digital technologies into industrial operations, transforming the way companies operate and deliver value to customers, or, in other words, improving productivity in industry. One of the key aspects of digitalization aimed at improving productivity in industrial companies is the reduction of

digital transformation

Digital transformation

In industry, digital transformation consists of applying different technological solutions that respond to specific needs. In this third and last post of a series of three, from Zerintia Technologies we want to share again and in a simple way, different needs that our customers have been having and industrial technology that we have provided to

Professional video call software

At Zerintia Technologies we offer you a professional video call software through a free trial of our remote support solution, which will allow you to resolve incidents faster and with the highest guarantee of professionalism thanks to its high security standards and image quality. Improve with Zerintia Technologies’ remote support solution the efficiency of technical

Remote PRL inspections

Remote PRL inspections

Acciona is a Spanish company that is part of the Ibex 35 specialized in the promotion and management of infrastructure and renewable energies, with a presence in 65 countries on five continents. The company works intensively on occupational risk prevention, with a specific strategy to respond to legal requirements and to involve the entire organization

industrial technology

Industrial Technology

Technological solutions for industry are many and varied, so the most important thing is to identify those that respond 100% to specific needs. In this second post of a series of three, at Zerintia Technologies we want to share again and in a simple way, different needs that our clients have had and industrial technology

machinery and sustainable development

Una revolución suele implicar un cambio significativo y abrupto en el panorama industrial, mientras que una evolución sugiere una progresión gradual o un perfeccionamiento de las tecnologías y prácticas existentes. Diversos estudios defienden que el emergente concepto de Industria 5.0 consiste en una evolución de la Industria 4.0, complementando tecnologías como la IA, el IoT

Inteligencia Artificial en Automoción

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a key technology in the automotive sector. According to the Research Institute Mordor Intelligence,the market for Artificial Intelligence in Automotive is expected to reach $16.2 billion by 2026. A continuación, detallamos algunas reflexiones interesantes de Continental Automotive, cliente de Zerintia Technologies, que reconoció desde el principio la inteligencia artificial como

Soluciones tecnológicas para industria

The technological solutions for industry are many and varied, so the most important thing is to identify those that respond 100% to specific needs. In this first post in a series of three, from Zerintia Technologies we want to share, in a simple way, different needs that our clients have had and the solutions we

Why use 4Manufacturing

The digitization of industrial operations is achieved by integrating management systems (IT), industrial computing (OT) and the connected employee on the same technological platform, thus providing all the advantages of the Connected Industry. Zerintia Technologies’ 4Manufacturing allows you to organize and plan your plant’s manufacturing in an automated way, as it optimizes performance by integrating

What is Industry 5.0

What is Industry 5.0?

Recently, the European Commission (EC) published a report entitled “Industry 5.0 – Towards a sustainable, human centric and resilient European industry“, in which it explains that between 2009 and 2019, the industrial sector accounted for 20% of the European Union’s GDP. In order to face the economic, political and social challenges, industrial companies have been