Digitalize the operations of the work teams

Improve the productivity of your technicians, reducing time and errors in maintenance tasks, inspections and other plant or field activities.

Generate automated reports thanks to full traceability of the work performed.

Standardize and share knowledge with work instructions

Facilitates access to information for work teams, reduces the learning curve for new employees and avoids unnecessary work.


Reduced execution time

Reduced human error

Complete traceability and auditing of processes

Planning, allocation, and standardization of processes

Shared knowledge

Improved productivity

Other advangaes

Elimination of unnecessary repetitions

Guaranteed use of the correct version

Increased analytics of process information

Elimination of paper

Generating evidence of the work done

Progress of collaborative work

Other work instructions use cases




ORP Audits

Quality controls

Do you want to improve the productivity of your technicians with work instructions?

Zerintia is your technological partner for the implementation of your industrial digitalization plan.

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    Read about the experience of our
    customers with work instructions:

    The company, specialized in the production and installation of machinery and complete plants for the ceramic and food sectors, uses work instructions for the execution of maintenance and technical assistance processes. Its technical staff travels to their customers factories, and through different workflows or checklists, they carry out their work by preparing reports automatically, when previously they had to do it manually once they returned to the office.

    Main technical features:

    — Photos and videos to help employees
    — Generation of evidences and recording of the processes performed
    — Intelligent configurators
    — Multi-device: smartphones, tablets, smartglasses or PCs
    — Planning of processes to be executed
    — Execution of offline processes

    Other features:

    — Integration with checklists and digital instructions
    — Real-time process monitoring
    — Multi-role and collaborative work
    — Integration with IT & OT data
    — Assignment of processes to ISA95 protocol
    — Deployable on own or Zerintia servers
    — Data security: encrypted communications
    — Integrated with other customers’s Systems (ERP, GMAO, CRM)
    — LDAP integration

    Request a demo with
    our specialized team:

    +34 91 568 74 67

      (*) Required fields.

      Other solutions for
      Industry 5.0

      4 Smartworker

      Remote Support

      4 Smartworker

      Digital Work

      4 Smartworker

      Integration & Orchestration

      4 Aftersales

      Connected Customer

      4 Manufacturing

      Connected Factory


      Digital checklists and digital instructions are tools that guide the employee in the execution of processes, guaranteeing greater safety and precision. Checklists and digital instructions digitalises work operations, improving productivity and reducing errors in maintenance tasks and other activities. 

      These tools improve the execution of processes, providing employees with the information and support needed to perform their tasks efficiently. Checklists and digital instructions excel at standardising and sharing knowledge, reducing the learning curve and avoiding unnecessary work. 

      They solve problems such as lack of training, differences in process execution between employees, errors and lack of evidence. Checklists and digital instructions provide full traceability and auditing of processes, ensuring consistency and quality of execution. 

      Checklists and digital instructions enable the execution of processes both online and offline, offering flexibility and ensuring continuity of work in different environments. 

      These tools are multi-device, usable on PCs, tablets, smartphones, smartwatches and smartglasses, facilitating access and execution of tasks in different environments. 

      On PCs, they are accessed via browsers, while other devices require the installation of specific applications. This versatility makes checklists and digital instructions ideal for the automation and standardisation of processes in industrial plants.

      Yes, checklists and digital instructions is compatible with Mac and iPhone devices, which reinforces its usefulness in a wide range of hardware and situations. 

      These apps are available in the shops of all major operating systems, such as Android and iOS, ensuring easy access and adoption. 

      Checklists and digital instructions allow each company to configure the Privacy Notice according to its internal legal policy, ensuring compliance with data protection regulations. 

      For specific details on checklists and digital instructions plans and pricing, it is recommended to contact Zerintia Technologies' dedicated team directly. This platform offers solutions tailored to the specific needs of industrial plants. 

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