Identify bottlenecks in Industry

How to identify bottlenecks in Industry?

Identifying bottlenecks in Industry is essential to increase production efficiency, or in other words, to reduce manufacturing costs, improve product quality and reduce delivery times.

The following are the main steps to be taken to identify bottlenecks in Industry:

1. Mapping of the production process. It is the beginning of everything: create a process map that describes each step of the production process. Identify inputs, outputs and activities involved in each step.

2. Analyze the process flow. Identify points where work slows down or stops. Look for places where work in progress is accumulating, or where operators or machines are idle, or where queues are forming.

3. Examine production parameters. For example, cycle time, throughput and capacity. Comparing these actual values with predicted values and looking for discrepancies helps.

4. Use specialized performance measurement tools. Use tools such as time studies, value stream maps and flow analysis to identify inefficiencies in the process.

5. Talk to operators. Ask about the challenges they face and where they see bottlenecks in the process.

6. Identify the root cause of the problem. Once the bottleneck is identified, use the five whys technique or another problem-solving method to identify the root of the problem.

7. Develop a plan. This may involve reorganizing the layout, adding more resources or changing the process flow.

By following these steps, you can identify bottlenecks in the industry and take corrective action to improve production efficiency.

4Manufacturing, Zerintia Technologies’ system to identify bottlenecks in industry

4Manufacturing is Zerintia Technologies’ production digitalization system that allows to identify bottlenecks in Industry.

4Manufacturing controls and manages information from the entire plant, including employees, integrated with ERP and other customer systems, to exchange information and monitor efficiency, detecting potential problems and implementing corrective measures in real time.